Truth is a pathless land. Man can't come to it thru any organization, thru any creed, thru any dogma, priest or ritual, not thru any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it thru the mirror of relationship, thru the understanding of the contents of his own mind, thru observation & not thru intellectual analysis or introspective dissection. --------- J Krishnamurti
Jiddu Krishnamurti ( 1895-1986) is regarded as one of the greatest Indian philosopher, thinker, speaker, writer and religious teacher of all times globally. He did not expound any philosophy or religion, was neither of the East nor the West,but for the whole world. His entire life was focused on realizing and explaining the human quest and persisted in his efforts to set men absolutely, unconditionally free, besides bringing about a radical change in society and the world at large.
" It is beautiful to be alone. To be alone does not mean to be lonely. It means the mind is not influenced and contaminated by society", said Mr Krishnamurti.He was an exact embodiment of his doctrine of " choice-less awareness". Choicelessness is the mind's equivalent of the silence, out of which intelligible utterance arises. Creation is born out of this emptiness. In another context, he stressed upon the need of inner freedom, a timeless spiritual truth.
" It is beautiful to be alone. To be alone does not mean to be lonely. It means the mind is not influenced and contaminated by society", said Mr Krishnamurti.He was an exact embodiment of his doctrine of " choice-less awareness". Choicelessness is the mind's equivalent of the silence, out of which intelligible utterance arises. Creation is born out of this emptiness. In another context, he stressed upon the need of inner freedom, a timeless spiritual truth.
While he had no allegiance to any nationality, cadre, religion or philosophy, he was influenced by" occultist as well as theosophist " thinking on the grounds of his long & close association with " Theosophical society". where he was raised under the tutelage of ' Annie Besant' & ' Lead Beater', who believed him to be a vehicle for a world teacher.
He shared his thinking with several well known Hindu as well as Buddhist scholars including the famous Dalai Lama. His books and other scriptures convey his thinking as well as its impact on the masses.I share below some of his powerful teachings relevant to my blog.
- Religion as we generally know is a series of beliefs, of dogmas, of rituals, of superstitions, of worship of idols, of charms and Gurus that should lead us to our ultimate goal.Organized religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity or others are not true, but false. These separate man from man. Beliefs do give us comfort, egotistic security or safety but true religion is not in the chants, in performance of any ritual, not in worship of any stone images/ photos, not in reading of Bible or Gita nor in reciting a Mantra. None of this is religion.
- We start believing that Divine Beings have created these organized forms of religions. We ourselves have created them for our own convenience; thru ages they have become sanctified & now we have become enslaved to them. Religions are nothing but the vested interest of organized belief--- holding, separating and exploiting men. The Truth or Reality is not to be found in temple, mosque or a church, howsoever beautiful they are.
- Religions based on belief or authority are not religion at all.These convey that to serve God, one must be free of all desires since desires breed illusion.Accordingly, the priests try to suppress desires thru rituals, discipline and every other form of conformity.
- The Truly Religious man is not the one who practices so called religion, who holds to certain dogmas and beliefs, who performs certain rituals or pursues knowledge, for he is merely seeking another form of gratification. The man who is truly religious is completely free from society, has no responsibility towards it. Society is organized religion.
- The Religious man does not belong to any religion, to any nation, to any race, who is inwardly completely alone, in a state of not knowing & for him the blessing of the sacred comes into being. The only concern of Religion is total transformation of men while all other areas that goes on around are nonsense.
- Religion is the feeling of creation of a state of goodness. It is where there is no longer any search at all---- the search for God, for truth, the feeling of being completely good and not the cultivation of goodness. It is seeking out of something beyond the inventions and tricks of the mind, which means having a feeling for that something, living in it, being it. That is true religion.
- In oneself, lies the whole world & if we know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in our hand. Nobody on earth can give us either the key or the door to open, except ourselves.
- To understand ourselves is the beginning of the wisdom. Only when the brain has cleansed itself of its conditioning, greed, envy, ambition etc, then only it can comprehend what is complete. Love is this completeness.
- From innumerable complexities, we must grow to simplicity; we must become simple in our inward life & in our outward needs.
- What is the " I "? When we talk about," I", mine, my house, my wife, my enjoyment, my wife, my children, my love. my temperament etc come to our mind. It is nothing but the result of the environment and the conflict between that result and "I".There can not be conflict between what is true and what is false.
- Refinement in behavior is not a self adjustment, an adjustment or the result of a outward demand; it comes spontaneously with this quality of love.
- Conditioning is the tradition imposed upon us from childhood,or the beliefs, the experiences, the knowledge, that one has accumulated for oneself. Can there be a total revolution so that the mind is fresh, clear and capable of investigation, thinking and responding completely anew?
- A mind that is really humble has am immense capacity for inquiry, whereas the mind under the burden of knowledge, crippled with experience, with its own conditioning can never really inquire. A mind that is really humble, will create its own righteousness--- righteousness of living, from humility & discovering from moment to moment what is truth.
- Our chief concern is the transformation, the radical change of the human mind. Unless that radical revolution, that psychological change comes about, there will be no end to conflict, no end to suffering & all the violence that is going on throughout the world.
- This radical change can not possibility be brought about without knowing oneself, self knowledge. Unless one understands one"s self, the self of everyday--- what it thinks, what it does, the devotion, the deceptions, the ambitions, its identification with something noble or ignoble, one is still within the field of " me".
- We are with world. The world is not separate from you and me. We have created this world of religious divisions, the world of violence, the world of anxieties, with no sense of compassion or consideration for others.
- The world about us is fragmented & so are we and its expression is conflict, confusion and misery; we are the world and the world is we. Sanity is to live a life of action without conflict.
- What is sanity? To be whole and non fragmented in action in life, in every kind of relationship is the very essence of sanity. Sanity is healthy and holy.
- A new consciousness and a totally new morality are necessary to bring about a radical change in the present culture and social structure. Any dogma, any formula, any ideology is a part of old consciousness & these are fabrications of thought whose activity is fragmentation, the left, the right or the center.
- Man wants everlasting pleasure in different ways--- sexual, sensory, intellectual, the pleasure of possession, pleasure of a great skill or knowledge, pleasure of power & ultimate gratification of what we call " God". Man has pursued pleasure endlessly in the name of God or peace or ideology. We do noble and ignoble things with the undercurrent of pleasure which shapes and guides our lives. For ethical living, we need to investigate closely, hesitantly and delicately this question of pleasure in our lives.
- We can not be sensitive if we are not passionate. If we don't have passion, how can we be sensitive to the ugly, to the beautiful, to the whispering leaves, to a smile or a cry?. A passionate mind is inquiring.
- Chastity can exist only when there is love. Without love, chastity is merely a lust in different form.
- Love alone can transform insanity, confusion and strife. When there is love, self is not since self can not recognize love. When there is love, there is no possessiveness, no envy, there is compassion. Love alone can bring about mercy & beauty, order and peace. When there is love, there is no duty. Love knows neither fusion nor diffusion. Only a quiet mind knows what love is.
- Goodness has no motive because all motive is based on the self & the egocentric movement of the mind. Goodness springs out when there is a totality of attention without any effort.
- Virtue has no authority. Virtue is not a repetition of what is good. The moment it becomes mechanical, it ceases to be a virtue.Without virtue, there is no foundation for clear thinking. Virtue transcends morality eg humility can not be cultivated & a mind without humility is incapable of learning. The social morality is no morality at all; it is immoral because it admits competition, greed & ambition.
- Self Control as to the mind--- Astral body must be controlled, which include control of temper, thoughts to be calm and unruffled, never allow ourselves to be sad & depressed, hold back our mind from pride and so on.
- Self Control in action---- Our actions should be useful to mankind, no laziness, fulfilling all our ordinary and reasonable duties, constantly engaged in good work.
- Tolerance--- Free from bigotry & superstitions, feel perfect tolerance for all,must not condemn others.
- Cheerfulness--- Bear our Karma cheerfully; give up all feeling of possession.
- One Pointedness--- No temptations, no worldly pleasures, keeping focused on the path, once entered.
- Confidence--- Trust our Master, trust ourselves; perfect trust generates perfect flow of love & respect for others.
Let me end the blog by one of his powerful message.
One has to be a light to oneself; this is the law. There is no other law. All other laws are made by thought & so fragmentary & contradictory. To be a light to oneself is not to follow the light of another, however reasonable, logical & convincing it may be.