Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Prominent Learnings during 1750-1950 CE--VI

 Truth is Your Birth Right. Assert it and be Master of Universe. Truth is " Tattva- Masi" ie That Thou Art.
                                                                                        ( Swami Rama Tirtha)                  

Continuing our thrust on learnings from prominent Saints and Philosophers of the period 1750-1950 CE, we shall share some of the spiritual and ethical messages conveyed by a Vedantin of highest realization, a great ascetic and an enlightened mystic poet of India, Swami Rama Tirtha. In a short life span of 33 years ( Oct 1873-- Oct 1906), Swami Rama took Vedanta to common man, into quiet homes, into crowded streets, into busy offices and into the western world.
In words of Mahatma Gandhi, " Swami Rama Tirtha was one of the greatest souls, not only of India, but of the whole world."  Swami Shivananda, Founder, Divine Life Society and a prominent spiritual philosopher said, " Swami Rama Tirtha lived practical Vedanta...... He is soul incarnate...." Swami Rama concentrated his thoughts on attaining Self Realization to the full and made all out efforts to merge himself with Universal consciousness of Humanity. To him was audible the music of cosmos and it is well reflected in his poems." Realization is religion" was his brief philosophy. He stood for perfect morality, total abstinence and righteous conduct. 

His poems are a marvel of religious depth as well as spiritual and ethical conduct in life. He was also a true harbinger of communal peace and unity. Let me summarize some of the key learnings and messages from " In woods of God Realization", the 10 to 12 volume compilation of the complete works of Swami Rama, restricting to my area of research of Dharma, Ethical living and Spiritual Wisdom.
  • Religions, creeds and denominations are worn by people merely like amulets around the neck. All kinds of virtues and efficacy are normally ascribed to them and yet what little we achieve is utterly independent of these pet charms. Let us rise above these favorite superstitions. One must give up all his pet prejudices, possessions, clinging s and attachments. ( from Vol 5" The Spirit of Religion"- " Criticism & Universal love").
  • Accept not a religion because it is the oldest. Accept not a religion because it is latest. Accept not a religion on the grounds of its being believed by a vast majority or by a chosen few. Believe not in a religion because it comes from a very famous man. Accept and believe in a religion on its own merits. Examine it yourself with an open mind. Be free to look at everything by your own inner light. ( Vol 10, Snapshots & Impressions).
  • All the conventions, traditions, customs, superstitions & religious make beliefs of India have only become  dead symbols of spiritual ailment, primarily because of cramping of self into one set of living on a mental plane. If India is to live, caste system must be swept away. ( vol 10, Snapshots & Impressions). What a strong message on a social evil prevalent in Indian society !
  • Laying strong emphasis on following " Sadharma Dharma", the religion of physical, mental & spiritual peace, Swami Rama conveyed 5 essential qualities to be demonstrated by it---- Simple, Easy, Natural, Universal and Practical. He further described some of  the key features of Sadharma Dharma as:--(a) Hard work and no stagnant indolence (b) Enjoyment of work as against tedious drudgery (c) Peace of mind (d) No conservative customs & appropriate reforms (e) Strong real feelings while avoiding flowery talks (f) Living realization.( vol 10, Snapshots & Impressions).
Swami Rama was a fearless social reformer and believer in the potential of self in life. Quoting him," Vedanta is the realization of our true self, Sat- Chit- Anand; the state of all being, all knowledge, all bliss". While delivering a lecture on " Happiness Within" on Dec 17, 1902 in USA, he said," Seek happiness not in the objects of sense; realize that happiness is within yourself." and also," Realize the heaven within you, and at once all the desires are fulfilled; all the misery & sufferings are put an end to." While delivering a lecture on ," Expansion of Self", in USA on Dec 16, 1902, he stated," Pleasure is within you. The whole treasure is within you. Come & realize your true self and let this song burst forth from you in fullness of joy:--

I am the mote in the sunbeam,
And I am the burning sun.
I am the blush of the morning,
And I am the evening breeze;
I am the leaf's low murmur,
the swell of the terrible seas;
the rose, her poet nigh-tangle,
the songs from the throat that rise;
I am intoxication, the grapes,
Wine press and musk, and wine;
The guest, the host, the traveler,
the goblet of crystal fine.

Let me now share some of the powerful messages of Swami Rama derived from his lectures focusing on Ethical living and the Role of True Self towards it. In two of his lectures, Sin-- its relation to the Atman or True Self ( Nov 16, 1902, USA) and Prognosis & Diagnosis of Sin ( Dec 20, 1902, USA), he spoke about some of the vices in life and how to avoid the same for Ethical living. Quoting a few;
  • All these sins are due to ignorance, which makes you confound the real self with apparent body and mind. Give up this ignorance and these sins are no more.
  • Everybody in this world from the point of view of his little self is a sinner. Everybody is somehow or other responsible for some defect/ deficiency or other & yet nobody in his heart of hearts thinks that he is a sinner-- he regards himself as pure.
  • The Vedanta says, the only way to escape from all sins is to realize the true self. You will never be able to withstand animal passions unless you do away with all this splendor & glory that bewitches you; when you realize that, you stand above all passions, and at the same time be perfectly fine, be perfectly full of bliss & That is Heaven.
  • Flattery, Vanity, Avarice or Greed, Attachment, Sloth or indolence, Rivalry, Sensuality and Anger are some of the prominent vices under the broader definition of sins. But none of these can be attributed to True Self or The Atman. Once we realize the real self, the greatest of the great, we will no longer stoop down to seek praise or vanity for the body. Once we realize that the unchangeable self is all beauty now & for ever, we will come out of the need to gratify the senses.

In another lecture on " The Secret of Success", delivered by Swami Rama in 1902 in Japan,he emphasized upon the importance of " Self- Sacrifice or Unselfish sacrifice" in one's life, which as per him is the symbol of Purity and Righteousness. Some of other key attributes for  successful Ethical living, he focused were, Universal Love ( love and be loved to be the goal), Fearlessness ( faith in one's real self), Cheerfulness ( brings calmer state of mind) and Self Reliance. Regarding Purity in life, he asked for removal of impure thoughts and immorality from one's life.

Swami Rama conveyed another powerful message in one of his talks in USA ( Feb 21, 1903) on " The Nature of Inspiration"--- " Very happy is he and blessed is he, whose life is a continuous sacrifice".He clarified several spiritual as well as ethical issues in his" Question Answer sessions" and " Informal talks". A few of these impacting common men are shared below;

  • To a question, Who are you?, he replied," I am God and so are you." Immortal is the true divinity that you are.
  • All desire is love and love is God, and that God, you are. Realize your oneness with that and you stand above everything.
  • Cultivate peace of mind, fill your mind with pure thoughts and nobody can set himself against you.
  • Criticizing, Censuring, blaming and fault finding with men is not worshiping God. Recognize God head in them.
  • In your speech is God, in your seeing is divinity, in your act of hearing is divinity present AND that divinity of which you are so full is the same divinity in your friend, your brother, your relations and your enemy. There are no enemies when you feel divinity.
The learnings from Swami Rama's lectures are unending and highly absorbing.In a lecture on," The Infinite in the Finite", delivered in USA on Jan 10, 1903, he expressed---," Realize that you are infinity within. Know that.The very moment that a person knows himself to be that and realizes his true nature, he is free above all difficulty, above all suffering, above all tribulation and pain. Know that, Be yourself." The diversity of multi- dimensional spiritual cum ethical messages of Swami Rama can not be compressed into a small blog. Let me end the blog by another message to Humanity, given by Swami Rama for realizing Godhead;

The Time to be happy is now, The place to be happy is here,
 And the way to be happy is to make others so.