Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Prominent learnings during 1750-1950 CE--II

"I accept as DHARMA, whatever is in full conformity with impartial justice, truthfulness and the like; that which is not opposed to the teachings of God as embodied in Vedas. Whatever is not free from partiality and is unjust, partaking of untruth and the like & opposed to the teachings of God as embodied in Vedas--- I hold as ADHARMA."----- Satyarth Prakash; Maharishi Dayanand. 

Continuing my learning on Dharma and Ethical living from the preaching s and scriptures of prominent Saints and Philosophers during 1750-1950 CE, we shall take up the phenomenal work done by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati in this blog. Born in 1824 CE to a Hindu family, he studied Sanskrit, Vedas and other religious texts at an early age. He was a scholar who believed in the INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY of VEDAS and denounced IDOLATRY and RITUALISTIC worship.

He was a Sanyasi ( Ascetic) from boyhood and a scholar, who advocated the doctrine of KARMA and REINCARNATION. He was a great social reformer, who worked selflessly towards equal rights for women. During the period 1846-1869 CE, he lived a life of Self-denial, a wandering ascetic, searching for religious truth and fully devoted to spiritual matters. He also practiced various forms of Yoga and took an oath that he would devote his life towards restoring the rightful place of VEDAS in Hindu faith.

Working on Vedic ideologies, he founded Arya Samaj--- a Hindu Reform Movement and professed Universal Brotherhood. He traveled widely challenging religious scholars and priests on various issues concerning spiritualism and Dharma. He condemned practices of idol worship, animal sacrifices, pilgrimages, priest craft, offerings in temples, the castes, child marriages, meat eating and discrimination against women in society. He severely criticized the practice of superstitions. He did comprehensive analysis of various religious faiths and its practices based on his own thinking and spoke about his views openly, sometimes critically, even at the cost of annoying their followers. Quoting from his famous scripture, " Satyarth Prakash",

" All alchemists, sorcerers, wizards, spiritists etc are cheats and all their practices should be looked upon as nothing but downright fraud,"

He wrote more than 60 works, explaining Vedangas, Vedic rituals, analysis of various doctrines and philosophies of various religions and faiths, on ethics and Morality. A few of his major works include Satyarth Prakash, Sanskarvidhi, Rigved Bhashya Bhumika, Yajurved Bhashyam and many more. Let me quote a few relevant messages from his scriptures concerning Dharma and Ethics for society;

"क्रोध का भोजन विवेक है, अतः इससे बचके रहना चाहिए, क्योंकि विवेक नष्ट हो जाने पर सब कुछ नष्ट हो जाता है।" meaning thereby that ANGER destroys logic, reasoning and intellect. 

संस्कार ही मानव के आचरण का नींव होता है, जितने गहरे संस्कार होते हैं, उतना ही अडिग मनुष्य अपने कर्त्तव्य पर, अपने धर्म पर, सत्य पर और न्याय पर होता है। meaning thereby that Ethical values are the foundation of human character; deeper are the values, stronger is one on his duties, Karma, Dharma, Truthfulness and justice.

अहंकार मनुष्य के अन्दर वो स्थिति लाती है जब वह आत्मबल और आत्मज्ञान को खो देता है। meaning thereby that EGO and ARROGANCE lead to loss of self control as well as faith in one's capabilities.

धर्माचरण  से सुख की प्राप्ति होती है , अधर्माचरण से दुःख की प्राप्ति होती है। धर्माचरण का अभिप्राय है सकाम शुभ कर्म और अधर्माचरण का अभिप्राय अशुभ कर्म है। meaning thereby that carrying out result oriented good deeds is Dharma leading to happiness in life while performing bad deeds lead to insane life style and unhappiness

Let me add another dimension of Dharma, as emphasized by Maharishi Dayanand,  considering the four categories of human goals, namely, Dharma ( Pursuit of Ethics), Artha ( Pursuit of wealth & Security), Kama ( Pursuit of pleasure) and Moksha( pursuit of liberation). While Dharma occupies the first place in the above referred 4 categories of human goals, even Artha and Kama needs to be governed by Ethical standards. That alone can help establish Dharma in society and a nation in general.

The contribution of Maharishi Dayanand in spread of Dharma & Ethical living in society is enormous. He was a great social reformer, who tried to eradicate the evils of superstitions in all walks of life. Again quoting from his scriptures, " Always first see bad in yourself than in others; you will find many who are busy in saying others are bad and not looking into themselves." A great Ethical message indeed!

Let me end the blog by quoting another powerful learning from his scripture, focusing on TRUTHFULNESS in life,

He, who after careful thinking, is ever ready to accept truth and reject falsehood; who counts the happiness of others as he does that of his own self, him, I calljust.