क्रोधाद भवति सम्मोहः, सम्मोहात् स्म्रतिविभ्रमः
स्म्रतिभ्रशांद बुदिध्नाशो, बुदिध्नाशात् प्रणश्यसि ।
( verse 64, Bhagwat Gita )
What a great message on one of the most undesirable attribute " ANGER", for a human being! Bhagwat Gita had been one of the three main spiritual scriptures widely referred by spiritual saints and Gurus during Bhakti movement. It conveys "क्रोध से अत्यंत मूढभाव पैदा होता है, मूढभाव से स्म्रति में भ्रम,जिससे ज्ञानशक्ति का नाश होता है और मनुष्य अपने न्यूनतम स्तर पर गिर जाता है। Continuing the learnings in Blog 11 on DHARMA and ETHICAL LIFE during the Bhakti movement, we shall now focus on the impact of preaching s of another two prominent spiritual saints of this period namely Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (Circa 1486-1534 CE ) and Mira Bai ( Circa 1498-1547 CE)-- both with unwavering devotion to Lord Krishna as the supreme God.
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, also known as Lord Gauranga, was a renowned and celebrated proponent of the Vaishnava School of Bhaktiyoga. In a short time, he mastered all branches of Sanskrit-- logic, literature, rhetoric, philosophy, theology and used to demonstrate his scholastic intellect in various forums. He also mastered the practice of disciplined fasting and austerities , generally followed by saints and renunciates, at an early age. He used to hold spiritual discourses, spreading messages of Dharma and Ethical living in several towns and cities . His life style was a model of Ethical values and principles, submerged in pure Bhakti and boundless love for Lord Krishna.
A major transformation occurred in his life, when he adopted Sh Isvar Puri , an ascetic of the order of Sh Madhavacharya, as his Guru. He developed a deep devotional commitment to Lord Krishna. He laughed, wept, jumped, rolled in dust, sang and danced in ecstasy- chanting, KRISHNA! KRISHNA! HARI BOL !HARI BOL!. He repeatedly said," Chant the name of Krishna while sitting, standing, walking, eating, sleeping and at all times. For around 18 years in Puri, he preached pure Bhakti and spiritual love for Krishna. SIKSASTAKAM, the famous eight verses of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu reveal his life's mission, precepts and values and have great messages on DHARMA and ETHICAL LIVING for the masses. Quoting from SIKSASTAKAM;
One should chant the name of Lord in humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than a straw in the street, more tolerant than a tree,devoid of all sense of false prestige and eager to respect all others. Another verse, text 1 --- " Ceto- darpana- marjanam bhava - maha -davagni- nirvapanam ie One must clean the dust , accumulated over the years, on heart and extinguish the fire of conditional life---- of repeated births and deaths. This can only be achieved by SANKIRTANA of Lord Krishna, which is the lifeline of all transcendental knowledge and bliss. The focus here is on Self regulation and Self realization, leading to the state of pure consciousness. Quoting Text 4 of SIKSASTAKAM,
Another saintly personality MIRA, born as a princess, loved none except Lord Krishna, unmindful of events and upheavals in Rajput families and several battles close to her kingdom. Some of the poetic verses, either written by her or by several other poets based on her preached values and philosophy of life demonstrate intense inner feelings for her Lord. These also reflect upon her DHARMIK attitude and ETHICAL living soaked in deep devotion and spiritual love for her Master.
A major transformation occurred in his life, when he adopted Sh Isvar Puri , an ascetic of the order of Sh Madhavacharya, as his Guru. He developed a deep devotional commitment to Lord Krishna. He laughed, wept, jumped, rolled in dust, sang and danced in ecstasy- chanting, KRISHNA! KRISHNA! HARI BOL !HARI BOL!. He repeatedly said," Chant the name of Krishna while sitting, standing, walking, eating, sleeping and at all times. For around 18 years in Puri, he preached pure Bhakti and spiritual love for Krishna. SIKSASTAKAM, the famous eight verses of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu reveal his life's mission, precepts and values and have great messages on DHARMA and ETHICAL LIVING for the masses. Quoting from SIKSASTAKAM;
" Trinad api sunichena, Taror api sahishnuna;
Amanina manadena, Kirtaniyah sada harih !--- text 3
One should chant the name of Lord in humble state of mind, thinking oneself lower than a straw in the street, more tolerant than a tree,devoid of all sense of false prestige and eager to respect all others. Another verse, text 1 --- " Ceto- darpana- marjanam bhava - maha -davagni- nirvapanam ie One must clean the dust , accumulated over the years, on heart and extinguish the fire of conditional life---- of repeated births and deaths. This can only be achieved by SANKIRTANA of Lord Krishna, which is the lifeline of all transcendental knowledge and bliss. The focus here is on Self regulation and Self realization, leading to the state of pure consciousness. Quoting Text 4 of SIKSASTAKAM,
" Na dhanam na janam na sundarim,
Kavitam Va jagad-isha kamaye;
Mama janmani janmanishvare,
Bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tway."
It means that a devoted follower of Lord Krishna has no desire to accumulate wealth or materialistic things, nor the company of beautiful women, nor the hunger of number of disciplined followers. What he wants is to serve his Lord, birth after birth, without seeking anything in return. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, thus preached Pure Unconditional Bhakti of Krishna, with complete surrender of one's self at His pious feet. Great messages on Ethical living indeed!
Another saintly personality MIRA, born as a princess, loved none except Lord Krishna, unmindful of events and upheavals in Rajput families and several battles close to her kingdom. Some of the poetic verses, either written by her or by several other poets based on her preached values and philosophy of life demonstrate intense inner feelings for her Lord. These also reflect upon her DHARMIK attitude and ETHICAL living soaked in deep devotion and spiritual love for her Master.
"हरि तुम हरो जन की भीर।"
"बाला मैं बैरागण हूंगी।
जिन भेषां म्हारो साहिब रीझे, सोही भेष धरूंगी।
सील संतोष धरूँं घट भीतर, समता पकड रहूंगी।।"
Mira, in the first verse conveys her concern for the masses, praying to Lord Krishna to remove pains and miseries of people. In the second verse, she emphasizes upon the traits of CONTENTMENT, INNER PEACE, EQUANIMITY and PURITY IN CHARACTER as well as its boundaries for Ethical cum Spiritual living. Her deep love for KRISHNA had no boundaries. Quoting another one, translated in English;
"Mai ni Maine Gobind linho mol, Mai ni Maine Gobind linho mol,
Koi kahe mehengo, Koi kahe sasto, liyo tarazu tol,
Koi kahe Karo, Koi kahe goro, liyo ni amolak mol."
Mira was fully submerged in her devotion to Lord Krishna without bothering about what the society felt. Another verse of Mira conveys, " मैं तो सांवरे के संग राची। साजि सिंगार बांधि पग घुंघरू, लोक लाज तजि नाची ।। What a selfless surrender!
Dharma and Ethical living in the society were greatly impacted by such saintly personalities like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Mira during this period. There were many more prominent saintly personalities, who did selfless work for spreading Dharma and Ethical practices among masses in this period. We shall be covering the learnings from some of them in next 2 to 3 blogs, The wide dissemination of knowledge stored in spiritual scriptures of Bhagwat Gita, Bhagwat Purana and other scores of versions of Purana, also, continued to create its impact on the masses. I would like to sum up the Blog by one of the ethical learning from these spiritual scriptures;
Dharma and Ethical living in the society were greatly impacted by such saintly personalities like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Mira during this period. There were many more prominent saintly personalities, who did selfless work for spreading Dharma and Ethical practices among masses in this period. We shall be covering the learnings from some of them in next 2 to 3 blogs, The wide dissemination of knowledge stored in spiritual scriptures of Bhagwat Gita, Bhagwat Purana and other scores of versions of Purana, also, continued to create its impact on the masses. I would like to sum up the Blog by one of the ethical learning from these spiritual scriptures;
मेरा- तेरा, छोटा- बडा, अपना- पराया, मन से मिटा दो।
फिर सब तुम्हारा है, तुम सबके हो ।।